Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Biga UBF Uluslararası Ticaret ve Lojistik Bölümü

From the Head of Department

The main objective of the International Trade and Logistics program is to enable graduates to adopt the principle of strategic thinking with an analytical and holistic perspective while solving the problems they may encounter when they are involved in business life, and to adopt a lifelong learning approach by evaluating the knowledge and skills they have acquired in the international dimension of trade with a critical approach, as well as analyzing and interpreting what they have learned in the global field in the context of the organizations they work, The aim of the program is to enable students to propose their thoughts and solutions to problems, to interpret the learned concepts and ideas in national and international dimensions, to analyze and apply interdisciplinary analysis, to know and apply the principles of quality and productivity in business life, to comply with the requirements of business ethics, to have social, scientific and ethical values, to take responsibility individually and as a team member, to be open-minded, open to criticism, constructive and self-confident, and to be able to follow the information related to the field they are trained in and to communicate with colleagues using a foreign language.

Prof. Yener Pazarcık

Head of International Trade and Logistics Department