Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Biga UBF Uluslararası Ticaret ve Lojistik Bölümü


Department Representation

After the second half of the 20th century, rapidly increasing world trade, trade liberalization, rapid flow of goods and services, endless demand for goods and services, and the mass production that emerged in parallel with this led to the growth and globalization of companies, resulting in the problem of effective and efficient management of enterprises and business functions (production, finance, human resources, marketing, etc.).

Although international trade is an old economic activity, it is becoming increasingly complex and requires expertise due to globalizing economic relations. Many financial products have emerged in international financial markets to finance foreign trade. Firms need experts who know modern foreign trade transactions, various documents, and financing procedures. On the other hand, logistics applications have gained significant importance in today's economic relations and foreign trade. Logistics costs have reached significant proportions of companies' costs. Since this field requires specialization, companies increasingly transfer these activities to logistics companies. For these reasons, specialization in international trade and logistics is definitely among the popular professions of today and the future.

Specific training in these fields worldwide and in our country has become inevitable with the developing economic environment. The internationalization of trade and business has made it compulsory for logistics to have this feature. In this sense, our country is home to many large and small businesses serving in logistics.

The main objective of the International Trade and Logistics program is to prepare graduates for to adopt the principle of strategic thinking with an analytical and holistic perspective while solving the problems they may encounter when they are involved in business life, to adopt a lifelong learning approach by evaluating the knowledge and skills they have acquired in the international dimension of trade with a critical approach, to adopt a lifelong learning approach, as well as to analyze and interpret what they have learned in the international field in the context of the organizations they work, The aim of the program is to enable students to think and propose solutions to problems, to interpret the concepts and ideas learned in national and international dimensions and to analyze and apply interdisciplinary analysis, to know and apply the principles of quality and productivity in business life, to comply with the requirements of business ethics, to have social, scientific and ethical values, to take responsibility individually and as a team member, to be open-minded, open to criticism, constructive and self-confident, and to be able to follow the information related to the field they are trained in and to communicate with colleagues using a foreign language.

The International Trade and Logistics program offers a multidimensional education by integrating the knowledge and skills of business administration science. This unique educational environment provides students with a comprehensive understanding of economics, logistics, and business administration, setting them up for success in the dynamic world of international trade and logistics.